Happy March

I can't believe it's already March. Time is flying by; I feel like it was just 2012 yesterday.
This month I plan to cross at least 2 things off my 101 in 1001 list (which is still in progress).
Spring is getting closer and I must say I'm super excited. Can't wait to see all the ladies covered in pastels and floral prints. It'll also be a good excuse to go shopping -- a new wardrobe is much needed.

P.S. - Is everyone still keeping up with their new years resolutions?
I sure gave up a long time ago... oops!

Wishing this month will be good to us all.



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Interior Design Student & Blogger

Blissful·ly (adv.)

1. Extreme happiness; ecstasy. 2. The ecstasy of salvation; spiritual joy.

El·e·gant (adj.)

Characterized by or exhibiting refined, tasteful beauty of manner, form, or style.