Beautiful Lengths

[ 19" of hair to donate!! ]
[ Sending it out ]

If you've read my 101 in 1001 list, you'll see that I wanted to donate my hair.
And that I did! My hair was super long before. I was able to cut off 19 inches and donate it!
I chose to send it to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths program instead of Locks of Love after some research.

I'm still trying to get used to my short hair, although this isn't the first time I've chopped off all my hair.
Now if you guys are wondering how it turned out ... Here's a comparison

Before and After!

If you're looking to donate hair within Canada click here for a list of places.

hugs & kisses,



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Interior Design Student & Blogger

Blissful·ly (adv.)

1. Extreme happiness; ecstasy. 2. The ecstasy of salvation; spiritual joy.

El·e·gant (adj.)

Characterized by or exhibiting refined, tasteful beauty of manner, form, or style.